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Effigy of Anubis

Source Pathfinder #81: Shifting Sands pg. 58
Aura strong necromancy; CL 13th
Slot none; Price 6,900 gp; Weight 1 lb.


This figurine stands several inches tall and is carved of black stone with gold highlights, resembling a man with the head of a jackal. With a successful DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check, a character identifies the figure as Anubis, the Ancient Osirian god of burial, funeral rites, mummification, and a protector of the dead and their tombs. Once per week, an effigy of Anubis enables its possessor to use speak with dead and ask up to six questions. The effigy must be placed within the rib cage of a corpse, and the corpse’s answers come through the effigy— the jackal’s mouth moves with the words. The corpse must still be mostly intact and have a mouth for the spell to work.

In addition, an effigy of Anubis can be used to bring a dead creature back to life, though Anubis, as god of the dead, is willing to grant only a temporary reprieve from oblivion. Breaking the figurine reveals a hollow interior filled with diamond dust. If this diamond dust is sprinkled on a corpse that has been dead for less than 48 hours, the creature comes back to life as with temporary resurrection (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 243). This effect lasts for 24 hours, at which point the creature dies again. Once used in this way, an effigy of Anubis loses all of its magic and is destroyed.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, speak with dead, temporary resurrectionUM; Cost 3,700 gp